The beauty of the lagoon

Our territory

Discover the beautiful cities of our Region Chioggia e Sottomarina

Chioggia and Sottomarina

Venice and islands

Fishing Tourism

Tegnùe of Chioggia

A walk by the dam and through Chioggia

You may visit many sights of historical, cultural and artistic interest because of the most favorable location of the village: actually, Chioggia, a charming town in the Venetian lagoon, also called Little Venice for its streets, canals and buildings, is situated only 3 km away from our resort.

The nearby cities offer other attractive sights to see: Padua and its St. Anthony’s Basilica, Ravenna, famous for its Byzantine mosaics, Verona and its Roman arena, where fascinating operas and ballets are performed in the summertime.

And, not to forget, the delicious local cuisine: risotto, fish-lasagna, tasty seafood or Sarde in Saor, i.e. tasteful sweet-and-sour flavored fried sardines with onions. At the fish festival, held in the third week of July, you may taste our typical local dishes.

Every day there is a possibility for the guest of our village to go on a boat tour to Venice and its islands, viz Murano, Burano and Torcello.

Only few kilometers away, enthusiastic bikers may explore the Po-Delta, one of Europe’s vastest wetlands, being of great ornithological interest for the innumerous species of migratory birds.


Legend has it that Chioggia was founded by Clodio, who had fled from Troia at the time of that epic war. More realistically, the origins of the city go back to before the medieval period, when inland peoples took refuge on the islands of the lagoon in order to escape the barbarian invasions. These small groups of habitations became cities, among which was Chioggia, and these then united to form the Republic of Venice. In the course of its history, Chioggia was destroyed and reconstructed several times, before finally taking on the appearance it has today.


To walk through the streets of Chioggia today means to plunge into a climate of tradition and centuries-old culture. Entering from the south, one first encounters the old city gate of Santa Maria which goes back to 1520 and which marked the land entrance to the city.
To the left is the Duomo, that is the principal church of the city. Our earliest records of the Duomo are found as soon as the XI century, we see that it was rebuilt in 1624 by Longhena, who was also the author of the church of Madonna della Salute in Venice. Immediately afterwards, we encounter the characteristic small church of San Martino, built in 1934. After the turnoff for Sottomarina, on the right, is the church of San Giacomo, one of the oldest structures.

Slightly further on we find the Loggia dei Bandi, which stands out because of its temple-like façade. Then there is the impressive Town Hall, built in 1837 on the site of one of the oldest pre-existing town structures, dated at the XIII century. Next we can admire the church of Sant’Andrea, rebuilt in 1743, and finally the Piazzetta Vigo, whose splendid bridge was the official entrance to the city. The church of San Domenico is also worthy of a visit, for its contains among other things Saint Paul painted by Carpaccio, and the wooden statue of the Christ found floating in the sea and which has always been the object of a particular cult attraction.
Continuing to Sottomarina, the our attention is captured by the church dedicated to San Martino, built in 1712 . Continuing towards the dike, we see the remains of Murazzi (sea walls) built by Venetian Republic in the XVIII century to protect the lagoon from the sea and, lastly, the fort of San Felice, bulwark in the defense of the port from the XIV century on.

Panorama di Chioggia
Panorama di Sottomarina con la Diga sullo sfondo
Il porticciolo di Chioggia



VENICE and PADUA – Achievable by bus, you will find the stop about 1 km from the campsite every half hour, journey to both destinations takes about 60 minutes.

For more information, visit or ask the bus timetables at reception.


Isola di Murano – is famous world wide for its precious glass works.
Isola di Burano – is famous for its lace and its colourful fisherman’s houses.
Isola di Torcello – was the first island to become inhabited by the venetians. There are two byzantine style churches.

Venice and its islands are accessible by boat, the marina is a short distance (3 km).

More information visitinig website


Just 30 minutes by car. On the site you can make excursions by boat or bike rental.


Reached in 30 minutes by car to the famous Palladian villas, summer residences of the Venetian aristocracy.

Ponte di Rialto
Il Ponte di Rialto sul Canal Grande a Venezia
Uno scorcio di Burano con le sue abitazioni colorate



Fishing Tourism is a new kind to hospitality for holidaymakers. A holiday exploring the sea and its traditions, researching the origins of the Chioggia lagoon. An intense and interesting day to make known to our guests all the activities linked to the world of fishing, tasting the day’s catch aboard the boat, cooked according to ancient local recipes, and offering the chance to gaze upon some of the most evocative scenery in the world.

Pending a day aboard a fishing boat next to the fishermen, getting the know the coastal environment and the secrets hidden in the marine depths. To observe the most ancient and fascinating fishing methods, to taste fresh-caught fish thus rediscovering the local traditional recipes, game fishing on board, swimming in places which are inaccessible by land and discovering small nature jewels.

Recreational fishing may be done throughout the whole year, but surely the months from April until August are the most suitable. The boat is equipped with all the necessary safety equipment (life rings, life buoy and life rafts for the larger boats) and sanitary materials.

Further info on

Un piccolo peschereccio



(“Tegnùe”, natural solid coastal substrata).

Tegnùe are biogenic carbonate rocks built by marine organisms. They initially grow on existing hard bottoms formed by cemented sand.
They have developed into natural reefs over the last 3-4.000 years. They differ from tropical coral reefs because here the main builder organisms are not corals but calcareous red algae, called “Corallines”.

Divers can admire the high diversity of species inhabiting this unique Mediterranean environment. There are remarkable sponges, ascidians and sea anemones. Brittle stars and crustaceans, from the small hermit crabs to the majestic lobsters, populate the rocks. Among the fishes it is possible to find blennies, damselfish, brown combers, scorpionfish, conger and brown meagre. It is often possible to observe schools of cod that swim around the rocks.

Further info:

Tegnùe di Chioggia
Tegnùe di Chioggia